Tuesday, October 20, 2009

News Flash

The introduction for the series I am writing about older Slovak people just got published--check it out. And don't be bashful about subscribing to the publication always, they put out some pretty rad stuff.

Apparently my nickname among the 5th year students is "the hurricane." I don't know if this is a simile, or a straight-up nickname (would be my first) and I don't know if it has positive or negative connotations. I think I've decided that no matter what these kids NEED a little hurricane in their lives to uproot some of their complacency. Shiiiiiit.

Teenage boys LOVE putting on girls clothes-- I erg in the school gym at the Hotel Academy in Brezno on Tuesday afternoons, and yesterday a rowdy bunch of 5th years came in to film a video for thier upcoming Stuskava (sp- it's an uber-formal event kind of like a mix between prom, Catiline, and like a coming of age ceremony...They show/perfom skits or sketches, waltz, etc). While I motored along at an 18 stroke rate I watched post-pubescent boys wiggle into tiny mini-skirts, midriff bearing tank tops, and switch out their stud earrings for neon green and golden hoops. They giggled and pranced around showing off their faux breasts (created by either shirts or wigs), helping one another sculpt them into life-like representations giving sings of approval. Of course they were wearings wigs, and of course the lip stick came out too. Apparently they were going to dance...

Once again I have NO IDEA what my schedule is--there has been yet another change, but I guess I'm ready to roll with it. For one reason or another I apparently only have one class today, second period. Long run anyone?

Being all domestic and grown up is HARD! I feel like I am on a constant rotation of shopping, cleaning, doing laundry, ironing, etc. And I only live in a 2 room apartment by myself. Why anyone would voluntarily reside in more square-footage than is necessary for sanity is beyond me. This is the first time in pretty much ever that I've done lots of ironing, and let me tell you that is an art in itself. Button down shirts can be pretty hard, and I haven't mastered how to do sleeves yet. It takes me a long time, but part of me is sort of fascinated and mesmerized by the process. I don't do it that often, so you can see it is still novel.

That might be all for now... Make sure you read my series, and keep up with it!!!


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