Thursday, November 26, 2009

"I don't know what they call it there, probaly just Thursday"

Today is Thanksgiving. With the exception of the little shin-dig the staff at EGT is throwing (remember, it’s a “bilingual” school so they try to recognize American-ness), and the hand-turkeys or Indian headdresses we made with some of the classes, there isn’t much going on in Tisovec in the way of Thanksgiving festivities. Big John was right on when he said in a recent voicemail, “I don’t know what they call it there, probably just Thursday.”

While I may not be able to recline around a stacked table with family and friends, take “nog-shots” (Danny—Alex told me you’ve already cracked into a carton) or bake 13 pies (remember last year Chris? Let’s DO this!...) I can still tally up my blessings. I am Thankful for:

My family (distance makes the heart grow fonder—as if I was not already convinced my people are legit!), my friends (especially the ones I haven’t seen in forever but we’re still like this *crossing pointer and middle fingers*), Fulbright (for giving me THE MOST AMAZING opportunity this year), Tisovec (the following song will expound upon this…),The teachers and staff at EGT (who have taken me on bike rides, taught me Slovak, and danced up a storm with me at Stuskavas), The students at EGT (as I helped one student curl another student’s hair last night (she was going to be Amy Winehouse in the coffeehouse/talent show thing) the girl I was working with randomly turned to me and said, “I just realized I love my school.”) Having “people” all over Slovakia and the Czech Republic and knowing that no matter how far away from the US I am, I am surrounded by people who love me and will take care of me when I need it (sometimes TOO much!)The 6 other Americans here (the most motley crew!), The AWESOME huge windows in my apartment, My electric hot water kettle, , Internet—I think that one’s pretty self-explanatory, Being able to mosey down the middle of wide streets, My first cutey little apartment, Time for pleasure free-reading, Time for sleeping, new nicknames (this year I have been dubbed "the hurricane" and "Whitka" (my Slovak nickname from the other Americans) Gah, Just EVERYTHING!!!!

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