Thursday, November 26, 2009

Part of this world!

Part of this world

Last night the fourth year class put on a celebrity themed “coffeehouse”, an event at which usually shy and quiet students were scantily clad and gallivanting around pretending to be Paris Hilton, Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse, and some Slovak stars too. The Americans were asked to prepare something for this event, but as usual we found out a good 48 hours before hand and were not entirely sure what the performance entailed.

We ended up re-writing the words to “Part of this world” from the “Little Mermaid” and prefacing it with the CHEESYIEST skit about why we like T-town. We also made an AWESOME slideshow with the lyrics and pertinent pictures, which I will put up as soon as I figure out how. Part of me is reluctant to show this to you, I realize that I am insane and should probably be locked up.

ako sa povie?—how do you say
ovce- sheep Brynza, haluski, gulas— slovak food
Kofola- pop from Central Europe
Potok- stream
“Rocks”- refers to hradova and the mine that surround town

Part of This World

Look at this place,
Isn’t it neat?
I get around on just my two feet.
Wouldn’t you think it’s the town, the town that has everything?
Look at this View!
Treasures untold, How many wonders can one valley hold?
Lookin’ around you’d think “sure, it’s got everything!”
We’ve got Kofola and gulas a plenty,
We’ve got brynza and halusky galore!
Want potravinies? We’ve got twenty!
Yeah T-Town, B’ that’s not all,

You can be where the ovce are,
You can see you can see ‘em grazing,
Strolling around on those—ako sa povie?—Hills!

Taking the bus you don’t go too fast,
But there’s no rush and no reason to le-ave,
Strolling along down those—ako sa povie?—Streets!
Down where they bike, Down where they hike,
Down where they play all day on the courts

Not getting tan,
But glad that I am,
Part of this world!

What did I give to be able to live next to this potok?
What did I pay to spend my days looking at rocks?

People might say, “let’s get away, Let’s head to Praha for the weekend,
See new faces, go new places, ready to leeeaaavvveeee!”

But we want to be where the two streets are,
In our small town where we can’t get lo-ost
When does a town become—ako sa povie—HOME!

We’re here to stay
Laugh, learn and play And give our hearts to friends in this place.
Glad I can be
Part of this world!!

1 comment:

  1. You can't believe how much your song made me smile!!!! Whitney it was oscar-worthy! AAAAAAAhhhhh, I loved it! It reminded me of the lasallian community retreat where we made up songs and then daniel and billy did that arm in arm skit and someone ended up with spagetti all over them. hahahaha. It brought back memories for sure c : Can I take a guess and think that you started this song movement? Whatever the case may be, you made my day, and I loved it. Whitney, the hurricane, medved. It's perfect. Lots of Love and warm hugs, and now dreaming of Tisovec, Soraya
