Sunday, February 28, 2010

York and Edinburgh: spring break extravaganza 2010

I just got back from my first proper spring break in 4 years. My medievalist friend and I spent a week in the UK, more specifically in the medieval (yet also hip and modern) towns of York and Edinburgh. First of all, I never thought the UK was on my radar—too close, too similar or I don’t even know. That presumption has been completely dismantled. Also, about seven months ago, during one of our first real conversations Rachel expressed her affinity for walled cities to me, and her desire to one day venture to York. Funny how things come to fruition.

Over the next week or so look out for recaps, photo clumps (since I can really only do 4 or so at a time and it takes FOREVER to upload I will try to present them to you in some thematic manner) and your standard Whitney ruminations. Enjoy!

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